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Bimini to Chub Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas

We depart Bimini at first light with the intention of spending the night at an exposed anchorage in the North Channel 65NM away. The forecast was for two foot seas but that was not accurate as the waves were three foot and building by the time we arrived at our intended anchorage. We decide to proceed on to Chub Cay through the three and four footers. We were very happy to get to the marina after 11 hours on the water (86NM). Chub Cay is part of the Berry Islands chain and the Resort & Marina has become an upscale sport fishing club. I have never seen so many beautiful, tricked-out Sport Fishing yachts and as evening falls they are lit-up like Christmas trees. The affluence is quite evident everywhere you turn from the boats to the clubhouse to the well attired members. We enjoy the sunset at the clubhouse bar and then head back to the Independence for dinner and a good sleep.

Entering Chub Cay

The Chub Cay clubhouse

The obligatory compass rose

The clubhouse reception area…and Larry says I have too many throw pillows…

Poolside sunset at Chub Cay

The view of the marina and rows and rows of Sport Fishing Boats

Independence amongst the Sport Fishers