Happy Holidays…Cruising into 2020
Celebrations in the waiting…Our 5,000 Nautical Mile pennant and our ‘Crossing our Wake’ Looper’s completion pennant. We will hoist them along with a beer when we get back on board the Independence.
Happy Holidays to all who read this. Larry and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a fabulous New Year. We will return to the boat in January to continue our cruising to Key West, FL. We will call this the end of our ‘Loop’, as we started last year in Marathon, FL…close enough! Larry is in intense planning mode for the next year where we will bring the Independence South through Central American waters to the Panama Canal and then North to the West Coast of Mexico. We hope to make the following stops along the way; Key West, Dry Tortugas, Isla Mujeres, Belize, Placencia, Bay Islands, Honduras, San Andres, Panama area to Panama Canal, West coast of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador and end the cruising year at Puerto Vallarta. Let the adventure begin! We hope you will cruise with us in 2020. Until then, Happy New Year!
Planning mode
2020 Cruising Plan