The Captain's Post #7 - I Will Never Ever, Ever...
Post by Larry McCullough
I will never, ever, ever complain about waxing a car that I own. Independence is 59 feet long, 17 feet wide and 24 feet in height. That’s a lot of fiberglass and it has all been waxed. It is kind of like Groundhog Day with waxing, the only thing on the boat that hasn’t been waxed is my back and that would give too much pleasure to Jamie to go down that path…I am not into that kind of pain.
I have done every project that I can think of with the limited supplies here on Roatan that I can purchase. Before leaving Florida in January I bought extra supplies, like oil (in the last post) and filters for three additional oil changes. Along with the oil changes I have changed all the zincs on the boat. Zincs are a sacrificial metal that deteriorates, hopefully, instead of the metal in various parts of the boat. Zincs can be found in the engine, air conditioning system and the metal below the water line (propeller shaft, rudder, trim tabs, etc).
While we had the Brownie hookah breathing device (scuba diving without the tank) set-up we cleaned the bottom of the boat. It is amazing how much grows on the underside of the boat in this warm clear water. With the bottom cleaned the boat will have less resistance and hopefully go through the water a little bit faster and with better fuel efficiency. Jamie mentions that the same thing would happen with me if I would just wax my back.
The Brownie is all set-up and the various new zincs are ready to go. Top to bottom; shaft, hull, rudders/trim tabs and bow thruster.
Larry begins the two hour process of changing the zincs
The large zinc in Larry’s hand is from the hull of the boat
Hull zincs…new verses old
Rudder/Trim tab zincs…old vs. the new
What’s left of the old zincs from the hull and bow thruster
Larry grabbed some images from the GoPro video. Here is one of our propellers and rudders (with the new zinc). The little fish near the prop is a ‘cow fish’…for some reason they really like our boat.
A photo of the line cutters with a new zinc below
The prop shaft with it’s new zinc and another friendly cow fish
Larry installed some new bow thrusters! This should really help out with future docking. (Image courtesy of Panama Posse post - sometime over the last year - we think…)