Rock Sound to Ten Bay to Meeks Patch via Current Cut, Eleuthera, Bahamas
A quick hop from our anchorage at Rock Sound to one at Ten Bay (19NM) for a nice evening at anchor. The next day we decide to push a little further as the winds are coming from the south and that does bode well for anchoring in this area of Eleuthera. Larry navigates us to and through Current Cut which must be timed with a high tide as the approach can be five feet at low tide. We take it slow and steady and pass smoothly through the cut. On the opposite side the wind is still a bit of an issue for anchoring but we eventually find protection at Meeks Patch (45NM) right across from Spanish Wells.
Kyle catches his first Baracuda while underway to Ten Bay
This guy has some crazy teeth! Kyle releases him after his photo shoot.
My nephew! Always a star in my book…
Salty snacks after snorkeling in Ten Bay
Dolphins join us several times over the next few days
One can not return to the mountain town of Telluride without a Bahama tan
Current Cut ahead
As you can see by the chart, you must stay in the channel
The shallow water glows in front of Current Settlement
On final approach
The snorkeling at Meeks Patch was great
Meeks Patch is also another swimming pigs spot…this swimmer just had a litter of piglets about a week ago
They could not have been any cuter
Sandy snouts looking for carrots