Chub Cay to Bimini to North Palm Beach, Florida - Bye, Bye, Bahamas
The winds have calmed and crossing to Bimini via the North Channel goes smoothly (74NM). We anchor at a nice little bay in front of Bimini and have a quiet night on the hook. Morning brings unexpected showers but not a great deal of wind and we are once again in clear skies within the hour. It is a good reminder of how to use our radar system and fog horn. Larry puts the fishing line in and catches a small Mahi Mahi, which he kindly releases to grow a bit bigger. We enter the Lake Worth inlet to crazy-busy Saturday marine traffic…sport fishers flying by, jet skis jumping boat wakes, paddle boarders & kayaks floating in the channel…who knew the most challenging part of the cruise would be getting from the inlet to the North Palm Beach Marina (77NM)
Bye, bye Bahamas…we will miss you
Getting a refresher course on the radar, etc.
Low visibility . Rainy but not windy.
An hour later and it’s like this….I will miss these beautiful waters
Saturday on the water in North Palm Beach, Florida
Frigate’s is a nice place to grab a cold one and you can take your tender to it
Safe Harbor North Palm Beach Marina…Nordhavn central!!!
Wish list…CP59 - 04 sister ship has a breast plate & bow anchor protector…#boatblingenvy