North Palm Beach, Florida - Shipping Day!!!
Patience finally pays off and after a month of waiting we are given a ship date. We fly back to the Independence in the North Palm Beach Marina. We ready the boat for shipping by getting rid of perishables and extra fuel. Strapping down the tender and taking down the bimini canvas. Heavy and fragile items are stowed and voids in cupboards are filled with towels and pillows. Lockers are taped shut and finally the refrigerator is turned-off and batteries shut down. We actually had a few days delay in between all that, but finally, we get the green light and get her to the Daisy and will see her in a couple weeks in La Paz, Baja, Mexico.
During our last few days at the North Palm Beach Marina we (Nordhavn CP59-01 Independence) were joined by Nordhavn CP59-03 Steadfast and Nordhavn CP59-04 Katherina…just missing Nordhavn CP59-02 Karma. There are only four of us…
A cloudy day drive-by photo of the Daisy finally in port and getting ready to unload her cargo
A sunny day drive-by…still unloading…
While the Daisy unloads we prep the Independence for our ship date. Who says we have too many throw pillows…
We have been advised to tape our cupboards closed
Finally, time to meet the Daisy…Peter McNamee comes along for the ride
We are to pull along-side the Daisy and tie (bow & stern) to the lines they toss down to us
Peter checks out how the diver works the straps into positions on the boat in front of us. After they are in place the boat will be lifted by the crane and placed onto the ship
There are some fenders down there I promise…
Lines secure we await our turn
She looks rather pretty awaiting her vacation
The straps are in place and they will hoist this 76 foot sport fisher soon
Gives you an idea of how large the Daisy is…482 feet long and 70 feet wide
We are next on the lift but can’t stick around for the show…good luck Independence…see you in La Paz!
They sent us a picture of the Independence loaded and strapped down and ready for transport