Más Misiones
Before returning to the Bay Area, Larry and I took a little drive down memory lane and visited Mulige and San Ignacio. It had been sixteen years since we had last walked through these towns. We thought of all the great times we had with our travel buddies, Jodi and Gary Horsman, on some of our earlier adventures in Baja. We also did a little drive out to Misión San Francisco Javier de Viggé-Biaundó nestled way up in a valley above Loreto.
The mission in San Ignacio dates to 1760.
The alter panels were brought from various parts of Mexico dedicated to San Ignacio de Loyola, patron of the mission (center).
The mission ceiling
St. Martin de Porres. The broom is a symbol of his devotion to his work, no matter how menial.
The Virgen de Guadalupe
The fresh water lagoon at San Igancio
The rancher that owns these horses let us know that this mare is due to foal in three weeks.
Misión San Francisco Javier de Viggé-Biaundó dates back to 1699
The mission alter panels with San Francisco Javier at the center
Every 2nd of December hundreds of pilgrims come to visit this mission and place their milagro charms here to pray for improved health