Time to do 'The Bash'!!!
We had a nice passage from Cabo San Lucas to San Jose del Cabo the other morning (20NM). We have now been in the Puerto Los Cabos marina for over a week. We were hoping to start our ‘Bash’ towards Ensenada about five days ago but the winds and waves have been pretty bad out there (over 15 feet!). Larry is hounding the Windy website and appears to have found us another weather window. It looks like we will make the move on Thursday the 12th of May. This jump is 800 miles along some of the loneliest coastline most boaters will experience. So, keep your fingers crossed for smooth seas (and low wind) for us. It will take us three (ish) days to get to Ensenada and we are very fortunate to have our brave friend Steve (Gumby) Grant with us to help with the trip.
Just a couple quick tourist photos…
We had a nice afternoon on the beach at Cabo San Lucas before we left for San Jose del Cabo
A friendly Sea Lion wants his fish from the tourists on a Cabo marina boat ramp
Whale bones near the Puerto Los Cabos marina
Gumby gets a shot at Shooters bar….
…and a beer at The Baja Brewery
We enjoyed dinner out on the town one night with some lovely music and scenery
Larry’s been doing his homework
Larry hard at work detailing multiple charts with expected wave heights, periods, winds and currents to plot the best speeds for fuel consumption with allowance for a three hundred gallon reserve at the end of the trip.