Princess Louisa Inlet, Canada to Powell River, Canada
Gloomy and rainy today as we depart Princess Louisa Inlet. We rise early to catch the slack low tide through Malibu Rapids. Only one other boat is departing with us and as we make our sécurité call we can tell that the rapids pose no threat to us today. If you didn’t have advance knowledge, you would not believe there were rapids there. We back track our way down Jervis Inlet and reflect how lucky we were to get the awesome weather we had the other day. The weather continues to deteriorate with rain and wind making us content to pull into Powell River Marina and stay for a bit (65NM). The City of Powell River was established in 1912 as the first manufacturer of newsprint in Western Canada.
There be pirates in Powell River
Far down the beach you can still see the Independence in Westview Marina
Time to sample the local pubs and eateries
A fuzzy close up of this juvenile bald eagle in a windy spot, thus the ruffled feathers
One of the few spots left in the Westview Marina
We were treated to a twenty minute Sea Otter show as three of them cavorted around the dock across from us at the marina. Scent marking, preening their coats, eating crab and fish and chasing each other around - tumbling all over the docks. These animals truly have a sense of humor and know how to have fun.
The weather is still poor so a little bowling at the Persephone Bowling Alley seems like a good idea. Circa 1961, a five pin game played with tiny bowling balls…Larry won